Enchanted sweet apples
Mele Stregate Glem

Mele Stregate Glem

Small apples 4
Cinnamon powder ½ teaspoon
Red food colour to taste
Water 100 g
Sugar 500 g
Cream of tartar ½ teaspoon
Honey 250 g

First remove the stalks from the apples, wash them thoroughly and dry them. Pour the water into a deep saucepan and add the sugar and honey. Stir quickly, transfer to the heat and start to heat the syrup. 

Bring it to the boil then add the cinnamon, stir quickly again and keep boiling until the temperature reaches about 125°.

Now add the gel food colour a little at a time to obtain the bright red shade required, stirring constantly so that the syrup is evenly coloured. Then pour in the cream of tartar, mix stir again to absorb it and continue cooking for another of couple of minutes over low heat, stirring all the time. Remove from the heat. Insert wooden skewers into the apples starting from the stalks and one at a time immerse them in the toffee, turning them to coat them evenly. Drain off the excess mixture and then place the apples on a tray lined with greaseproof paper. Leave to dry for about an hour and a half.


  • 10 min
  • 10 min
  • easy
  • 4 apples