![與Glem Gas一起下廚 與Glem Gas一起下廚](https://www.glemgas.com/backend/content_manager/img_upload/img_banner/140402223750_banner_io_cucino_con_glem.jpg)
與Glem Gas一起下廚
與Glem Gas一起下廚
![分享美味, 風格和經驗](https://www.glemgas.com/backend/content_manager/img_upload/img_medium/1557311887_io_cucino_6.jpg)
分享美味, 風格和經驗
與 Glem Gas 一起下廚 Gas. 是一種哲學的綜合體,是一種構思產品及與其溝通的新方式。Glem Gas 向世界敞開了市場,將注意力轉向一個不僅是義大利的,而是全球性的, 與現在環境的的對話。新的形象和內容, 提高了美學和有關產品 (效用, 情感價值, 美感和耐久性) 的故事性 簡言之, 選擇適合日常生活的產品及其使用者之間產生的關係。
Glem Gas 的產品系列 (爐具,烤箱,感應爐,排油煙機...) 具有符合人體工學的設計和功能: 能夠把烹飪的樂趣轉化為獨特的體驗, 讓所有參與的人變成主要人物, 擁有自己的食譜和經驗。Glem Gas的產品, 實用有智慧 ,並可使用長久, 能進入家庭成為生活一部分, 一起創造分享現實生活中的精彩時刻
In a video the summary of our new identity
Glem Gas presents itself and presents the product up close, alternating the technical experience behind the creation of an appliance with the personal and intimate experience of those who use it. With a renewed awareness, focused on perceiving the emotional and practical aspects of daily life, the video invites you to share a single way of thinking, acting, relating: being "specialisti in cottura" means offering customized products that meet a mutual desire for quality, style and experience.
We are all and we become protagonists of a real and unique experience.